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AçıklamaEl Paral·lel 1894-1939- exhibit at CCCB in Barcelona (78).JPG
Català: Exposició realitzada entre el 2012 i el 2013 al CCCB de Barcelona sobre el Paral·lel. El Paral·lel és una de les avingudes de Barcelona que, com la Diagonal o la Gran Via, sorgeix del projecte d’eixamplament de la ciutat de Barcelona ideat per Ildefons Cerdà. Des del seu naixement, un seguit de disposicions urbanístiques contradictòries van facilitar l’aparició d’edificacions efímeres i la conversió d’aquest carrer en una densa àrea d’oci i espectacles. L’any 1894 s’inaugura oficialment com a via urbana de Barcelona. Des d’aleshores al voltant de l’avinguda hi creix un barri d’oci per a les masses, perfectament equiparable als existents en altres grans aglomeracions urbanes europees d’aquell moment.
English: Pictures of an exhibit about The Paral·lel avenue in Barcelona that took place in CCCB cultural center between october 2012 and feb 2013. El Paral·lel emerges from the project to extend the city designed by Ildefons Cerdà. From its birth, a series of contradictory urban planning regulations facilitated the appearance of ephemeral buildings and the conversion of this street into a dense area of leisure and entertainment.
The result was a leisure district for the masses, perfectly comparable to those existing in other major European urban agglomerations at that time, but that immediately became a genuine cultural expression of the social and political conflict that characterised the Barcelona of the early 20th century. El Paral·lel generated shows with perfectly differentiated contents and formats, made up by the audience and the artists.
This exhibition will explain, therefore, why a new entertainment area emerged in the city, leading the weight of the theatrical axis to move from the Plaça Catalunya-Passeig de Gràcia area to the Nou de la Rambla-Paral·lel area.
atıf – Esere yazar veya lisans sahibi tarafından belirtilen (ancak sizi ya da eseri kullanımınızı desteklediklerini ileri sürmeyecek bir) şekilde atıfta bulunmalısınız.
benzer paylaşım – Maddeyi yeniden düzenler, dönüştürür veya inşa ederseniz, katkılarınızı özgünüyle aynı veya uyumlu lisans altında dağıtmanız gerekir.
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