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AçıklamaThe Maiden, National Museum of Scotland.jpg
English: "The Scottish machine is made of oak and consists of a sole beam 5 feet in length into which are fixed two upright posts 10 feet in height, 4 inches broad and 12 inches apart from each other, and 3 1/2 inches in thickness, with bevelled corners. These posts are kept steady by a brace at each side which springs from the end of the sole and is fastened to the uprights 4 feet from the bottom. The tops of the posts are fixed into a cross rail 2 feet in length. The block is a transverse bar 3 1/4 feet from the bottom, 8 inches in breadth and 4 1/2 inches in thickness, and a hollow on the upper edge of this bar is filled with lead... The axe consists of a plate of iron faced with steel; it measures 13 inches in length and 10 1/2 inches in breadth. On the upper edge of the plate was fixed a mass of lead 75 lbs in weight. This blade works in grooves cut on the inner edges of the uprights, which are lined with copper..." -- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquities of Scotland, Vol.III, 1886-8
atıf – Esere yazar veya lisans sahibi tarafından belirtilen (ancak sizi ya da eseri kullanımınızı desteklediklerini ileri sürmeyecek bir) şekilde atıfta bulunmalısınız.
benzer paylaşım – Maddeyi yeniden düzenler, dönüştürür veya inşa ederseniz, katkılarınızı özgünüyle aynı veya uyumlu lisans altında dağıtmanız gerekir.
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