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The factual accuracy of this map or the file name is disputed.
Reason: Fake and exaggerated distributions of Turkic peoples appear in places where they do not inhabit or where they are not such a huge majority
design by. Postmann Michael
date: 03. März 2006
Diese Darstellungskarte zeigt das Verbreitungsgebiet der heutigen Turkvölker (). Sie siedeln hauptsächlich von Osteuropa bis Zentralasien. Auch sind teilweise seit Jahrhunderten in den Staaten Syrien, Irak und Iran, aber auch in Afghanistan zahlreiche türkische Minderheiten ansäßig.
This representation map shows the circulation area of the today's turkic peoples (). They settle mainly from Europe to central Asia. Also reside partly for centuries in the states Syria, Iraq and Iran, in addition, in Afghanistan numerous Turkish minorities.
Bu iş yazarı Postmann Michael tarafından kamu malı olarak yayınlanmıştır. Bu dünya çapında geçerlidir.
Bazı ülkelerde bu yasal olarak mümkün olmayabilir; öyleyse: Postmann Michael, bu işi herhangi bir amaç için, herhangi bir şart olmaksızın, yasalarca gerekli olmadıkça, herkesin kullanmasına izin veriyor.
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